Sunshine West Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 16743 people living in Sunshine West. 49.7% are male and 50.3% are female. Sunshine West has a population of 65 indigenous people.

Sunshine West Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females260.2%
Indigenous Males390.2%
Indigenous Population650.4%
Females born in Australia347120.7%
Males born in Australia350921.0%
People born in Australia698041.7%
Female Population841950.3%
Male Population832449.7%
Total Population16743100%

Sunshine West (VIC) Population Pyramid

Sunshine West Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 45013.0%4842.9%9855.9%
5 - 149475.7%10286.1%197511.8%
15 - 195873.5%5383.2%11256.7%
20 - 246794.1%5943.5%12737.6%
25 - 3412447.4%11616.9%240514.4%
35 - 4411466.8%11797.0%232513.9%
45 - 5410496.3%10156.1%206412.3%
55 - 648905.3%9905.9%188011.2%
65 - 747734.6%8274.9%16009.6%
75 - 844262.5%4562.7%8825.3%